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Now that you are familiar with your topic and news coverage surrounding it, it is time to reach out and develop your Personal Learning Network (PLN). Your group will choose a tool connect with community leaders that represent a solution to the issue you have been researching. You will reach out to a leader or community group to ask questions regarding your issue and learn about the efforts being made in the community.


Tools (choose at least two):



  • Participate in TwitterChat; make meaningful "tweet" conversation with users

  • Follow relevent groups and be prepared to comment on any information they share.



  • Make contact with a leader or group and arrange a ten minute Skype meeting. Prepare questions ahead of time and be prepared to share what you've learned so far.



  • Make contact with a leader or group and arrange a ten minute webinar. Prepare questions ahead of time and be prepared to share what you've learned so far.



  • Create a profile and make a meaningful connection with a leader or group.

  • Follow relevent groups and be prepared to comment on any information they share.



  • Create a video to communicate with a leader or group you have identifed (be sure to ask permission first, and make sure they are prepared to respond.) Share what your group has learned so far and ask meaningful questions in your video.



If you have chosen an issue that goes beyond your local area (such as a national or even an international issue), this is the time to begin to consider how you will act in your local community. Check out this article from The New York Times on localizing issues as well as this link on How to Engage Your Community. 


Questions to consider: How does this issue affect my community? What do I think would help improve the situation? What efforts are already taking place locally? Who is making these efforts? What questions would I ask a leader on this issue if I were to make contact with them? How can I engage others?


*In the event that no group or leader responds to a group's efforts to connect, the group should address this in their Activity 4 presentation. Brainstorm ideas of how to be successful in the future and share.




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